

 Results 1551 - 1600 of 2530
#  Name Gender  Nationality Born Died
1551  NOSEK, STANISŁAW -  Pole 1942
1552  NOSKOWICZ, ANTONINA -  Pole 1935 1942
1553  NOSKOWICZ, MARIA -  Pole 1940 1942
1554  NOSKOWICZ, TATIANA -  Pole 1936 1942
1555  Nouri Esfandiari, Martha -  Iranian 1894 1971
1556  NOWACKA, HELENA -  Pole 1882 1942
1557  NOWAK, FRANCISZEK -  Pole 1888 1942
1558  NOWAK, GENOWEFA -  Pole 1937 1942
1559  NOWAK, JÓZEFA -  Pole 1900 1942
1560  NOWAK, KAROLINA -  Pole 1892 1942
1561  NOWAK, ŁUCJA -  Pole 1941 1942
1562  NOWAK, RÓŻA -  Pole 1916 1942
1563  NOWAK, STEFANIA -  Pole 1942 1942
1564  NOWAKOWSKA, KAROLINA -  Pole 1889 1942
1565  NOWAKOWSKI, WŁADYSŁAW -  Pole 1904 1942
1566  NOWICKA, ZOFIA -  Pole 1905 1942
1567  NOWICKI, PAWEŁ -  Pole 1893 1942
1568  Nozar Gagh, Faramas -   1980
1569  NOZARI, Keyvan Male  French 1961 1962
1570  NYCZ, BRONISŁAWA -  Pole 1939 1942
1571  NYKIEL, ALEKSANDER -  Pole 1938 1942
1572  NYKIEL, CZESŁAW -  Pole 1939 1942
1573  OBARZANEK, WERONIKA -  Pole 1914 1942
1574  OBERGAN, JANINA -  Pole 1936 1942
1575  Oggeri Breda, Pietro Male  Italian 1896 1950
1576  OHAN-DJERAYAN, Eleonora Female  French 1905 1978
1577  OHAN-DJERAYAN, Eugénie Female  French 1884 1953
1578  OHAN-DJERAYAN, Georges Male  French 1874 1928
1579  Ohanes Abbasian, Bader -   1915 1943
1580  OKO, JAN -  Pole 1925 1942
1581  OKOŁOWICZ, STANISŁAWA -  Pole 1922 1942
1582  OŁDAK, JANINA -  Pole 1936 1942
1583  OLECH, HENRYK -  Pole 1937 1942
1584  OLECH, ZDZISŁAW -  Pole 1932 1942
1585  OLECKA, JANINA -  Pole 1901 1942
1586  OLEŚ, JAN -  Pole 1910 1942
1587  OLESZKIEWICZ, JAN -  Pole 1940 1942
1588  OLIVIER, Féana Female  French
1589  OLSZAK, MARIAN -  Pole 1936 1942
1590  OLSZEWSKA, JANINA -  Pole 1905 1942
1591  OLSZEWSKI, BRONISŁAW -  Pole 1938 1942
1592  OLSZEWSKI, STEFAN -  Pole 1910 1942
1593  OPALA, MARIA -  Pole 1942 1942
1594  ORCZYK, MIECZYSŁAW -  Pole 1916 1942
1595  ORDYŃSKA, ANNA -  Pole 1882 1942
1596  Ori, Giuseppe Male  Italian 1934
1597  ORŁOWSKI, BOLESŁAW -  Pole 1907 1942
1598  ORNAT, WŁADYSŁAW -  Pole 1914 1942
1599  ORYS, JÓZEF -  Pole 1906 1942
1600  OSIPOWICZ, ZYGMUNT -  Pole 1931 1942
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