

 Results 1951 - 2000 of 2530
#  Name Gender  Nationality Born Died
1951  SAWICKA, EWA -  Pole 1938 1942
1952  SAWICKA, REGINA -  Pole 1941 1942
1953  SAWICKA, STANISŁAWA -  Pole 1924 1942
1954  SAWICKI, JÓZEF -  Pole 1884 1942
1955  SAWICKI, ROMUALD -  Pole 1939 1942
1956  SAWICKI, WŁADYSŁAW -  Pole 1940 1942
1957  SAWICZ, ANNA -  Pole 1874 1942
1958  SAWOŚCIANEK, WINCENTY -  Pole 1926 1943
1959  Schanzer, Adele Female   1896 1976
1960  Schiessl, Ferencz Male  Hungarian 1901 1941
1961  Schlager, Arpad Male  Iranian 1902 1977
1962  Schmar, Maria Female  Pole 1878 1956
1963  SCHONA, HERMINA -  Pole 1890 1942
1964  SCHULC, STANISŁAW -  Pole 1910 1942
1965  Schwab, Angelo Male  
1966  Schwab, Antonio Male  Italian 1872 1961
1967  Schwab, Sophia -  Italian 1870 1955
1968  SCIBŁO, ZOFIA -  Pole 1864 1942
1969  ŚCIECHURSKI, KONSTANTY -  Pole 1907 1943
1970  ŚCIEPURO, EDWARD -  Pole 1922 1942
1971  Scognamiglio, Guido Male  Italian 1911 1951
1972  Se*aria, Katrin Female  
1973  SECH, MARIA -  Pole 1883 1944
1974  SĘKOWSKA, MARIA -  Pole 1923 1942
1975  SĘKOWSKI, TADEUSZ -  Pole 1927 1942
1976  SENEGAS MAZAMET, Hélène Female  French 1909 1981
1977  SERCIEJEWICZ, MARIA -  Pole 1911 1943
1978  Seyffert, Jerzy Rudolf Male  Pole 1890 1939
1979  Shams, Francesco Male  Syrian 1943 1946
1980  SIDOR, TEODORA -  Pole 1876 1945
1981  SIECZKOWSKA, NATALIA -  Pole 1896 1944
1982  SIEDZIK, WACŁAW -  Pole 1894 1943
1983  SIEKLICKI, STANISŁAW -  Pole 1942
1984  SIENKIEWICZ, IRENA -  Pole 1939 1942
1985  SIENKIEWICZ, WANDA -  Pole 1934 1942
1986  SIENTEREWICZ, GRYTRA JÓZEFA -  Pole 1938 1942
1987  Sigler, Christopher Raymond Male  American 1960
1988  SIKORA, ADELA -  Pole 1928 1943
1989  SIKORA, MARIA -  Pole 1936 1942
1990  SIKORA, RYSZARD -  Pole 1931 1943
1991  SIKORA, ZOFIA -  Pole 1909 1942
1992  SIKORSKI, MICHAŁ -  Pole 1817 1942
1993  SIMIŃSKA, ANNA -  Pole 1902 1942
1994  Simonet, Camille Female   1899
1995  Sinasyan, Andranik   1940 1941
1996  SITKO, MARIA -  Pole 1905 1942
1997  SIWAK, BOGUSŁAWA -  Pole 1936 1942
1998  SIWEK, WŁADYSŁAW -  Pole 1930 1942
1999  SKAŁAKA, MARIA -  Pole 1937 1942
2000  SKALSKI, JAN -  Pole 1925 1942
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