

 Results 1651 - 1700 of 2530
#  Name Gender  Nationality Born Died
1651  PAUK, ANNA -  Pole 1932 1942
1652  PAUMIER-DESMEUZES, Marie Female  French 1875 1968
1653  PAWLIK, WANDA -  Pole 1892 1942
1654  PAWLIKOWSKA, MARIA -  Pole 1905 1942
1655  PAWŁOWICZ, ANTONINA -  Pole 1868 1945
1656  PAWŁOWSKA, HELENA -  Pole 1898 1945
1657  Pawłowski, Ludwik Male  Pole 1929
1658  PAWŁOWSKI, STANISŁAW -  Pole 1907 1942
1659  PAWLUCIOWA, WŁADYSŁAWA -  Pole 1885 1942
1660  PAWLUS, WŁADYSŁAW -  Pole 1924 1942
1661  PAWŁYNIAK, DYMITR -  Pole 1913 1943
1662  Pazdera, Antonin Male   1888 1944
1663  PAZDERSKA, KATARZYNA -  Pole 1870 1942
1664  PCHUŁOWSKI, CZESŁAW -  Pole 1905 1942
1665  Pecháček, František Male  Czech 1885 1944
1666  PEĆKO, JÓZEF -  Pole 1901 1942
1667  Pekmes, Gregoire Male   1911
1668  PELC, MICHAŁ -  Pole 1942
1669  PEŁCZYŃSKI, MIKOŁAJ -  Pole 1882 1943
1670  PELIKAN, JÓZEFA -  Pole 1912 1943
1671  Pennacchio, Francesco Male  Italian 1899 1906
1672  Pennacchio, Giovanni Male  Italian 1855 1904
1673  Pennacchio, Hedda Female  Italian 1906 1977
1674  Pennacchio, Maria Giuseppina Female  Italian 1868 1958
1675  Pennacchio, Maria Ludovica Female  Italian 1886 1954
1676  PEPEK, KATARZYNA -  Pole 1902 1942
1677  PEPNAT, KAZIMIERZ -  Pole 1941 1942
1678  PEREKŁADOWSKA, ZOFIA -  Pole 1873 1942
1679  PERNAL, MARIA -  Pole 1912 1942
1680  Pessi, Carolina Female  Italian 1856 1901
1681  PETIT, Nicolas Male  French 1764 1900
1682  Petrez, Robert Male   1923
1683  Petros Dunkha, Regina Female   1883 1954
1684  Pezechkan, Charlie -   1909 1943
1685  PFLANZER, STANISŁAWA -  Pole 1900 1945
1686  PIALUCHA, JÓZEF ANDRZEJ -  Pole 1944 1944
1687  PIASECKI, JAN -  Pole 1903 1944
1688  PIECYKIEWICZ, -  Pole 1942
1689  PIECZKO, JAN -  Pole 1907 1942
1690  PIEKARCZYK, JAN -  Pole 1931 1942
1691  PIEKARSKI, JAN -  Pole 1910 1942
1692  PIELUCZONEK, JAN -  Pole 1908 1942
1693  PIENIĄŻEK, ANIELA -  Pole 1889 1942
1694  PIENIĄŻEK, BRONISŁAW -  Pole 1941 1942
1695  PIESIK, JAN -  Pole 1905 1942
1696  PIETKIEWICZ, EDWARD -  Pole 1934 1942
1697  PIETLUCH, JÓZEF -  Pole 1896 1942
1698  PIETRASZEK, ANASTAZJA -  Pole 1902 1942
1699  PIETREK, STANISŁAW -  Pole 1939 1942
1700  PIETROŃ, IZABELA -  Pole 1934 1942
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